Julia Geneuss Editor

Florian Jeßberger is Professor of Law at Universität Hamburg, where he holds the Chair in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law, and Modern Legal History. Before joining Universität Hamburg in 2010, he was the Lichtenberg Professor of International and Comparative Criminal Law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He has held various visiting fellowships, inter alia, in Oxford, Ferrara, and Naples, and is a Member of the Board of Editors of the Journal of International Criminal Justice. Julia Geneuss is Assistant Professor of Law at Universität Hamburg and currently a Feodor Lynen Scholar of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She holds a Dr iur. from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and a LL.M. from New York University School of Law. She has been awarded several prizes for her doctoral dissertation on the prosecution of crimes under international law in Germany, in particular under the principle of universal jurisdiction. She is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of International Criminal Justice.