Circle Holding
2 authors - Paperback
Stan Davis has worked as a child and family therapist in residential treatment, community mental health, and private practice. During his years as a therapist, he was active in building positive community support for targets of child abuse, rape, and domestic abuse. Stan became a school guidance counselor in the mid-1980s and began to focus on bullying prevention in the late 1990s. Stan trains educators, parents, and students nationwide in effective bullying prevention. He is a certified Olweus bullying prevention consultant and a founding member of the International Bullying Prevention Association. Stan also maintains www.stopbullyingnow.com, an informative Website for concerned parents and educators.
Julia Davis, Stan Davis's daughter and coauthor, has lent clarity to Stan's writing about bullying prevention since 2003. She brings to the table her own experiences working with young people of all ages and from diverse backgrounds. She began working with young people in 1999 and has since led high school trail crews for the Student Conservation Association, developed and taught experiential natural history lessons, taught English in an underprivileged elementary school in Costa Rica, and led outdoor expeditions for Summit Achievement, a wilderness-based therapeutic treatment center for teens.