Julia B Frank Editor & Author

Renato D. Alarcon, M.D., M.P.H., is an emeritus professor of psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Honorio Delgado Chair at the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru, and former medical director of the Mood Disorders Unit at the Mayo Psychiatry and Psychology Treatment Center, Rochester, Minnesota. He is author or editor of fourteen books, including Psychotherapy in Psychiatry: Science or Myth?, The Mosaics of Hope, Culture and Personality Disorders, and the Latin American Textbook of Psychiatry. Julia B. Frank, M.D., is an associate clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the George Washington University School of Medicine, coauthor of the third edition of Persuasion and Healing, and coeditor of the third edition of The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care.