Jui-Liang Lin Editor

Thomas Hsu, University of Houston is Moores Professor of Civil Engineering in the department of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Houston. Professor Hsu has been Principal and Co-Principal Investigator on funded projects for over 30 years, and has received project funding amounting to over $3.5 million. He established the University of Houston's Structural Research Laboratory, and his research work has formed the basis for the shear and torsion design provisions in the American concrete Institute Building Code. He has won numerous awards for his teaching and research, and has authored or edited 4 books on reinforced concrete

Jui-Liang Lin, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan, is an associate researcher with NCREE, Taiwan

Chiun-lin Wu, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan, is an associate researcher with NCREE, Taiwan