Judith Wiener Author

Esther Geva, PhD, is Professor of Applied Psychology and Human Development (with a cross-appointment in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada. She teaches graduate courses and supervises graduate students in the areas of reading in a second language, assessment and intervention in multicultural/bilingual contexts, and cross-cultural perspectives on children's psychological problems. Dr. Geva's primary research focus is second language and literacy skills of typically developing and reading-disabled bilingual and ELL learners. She has served on numerous advisory, policy, and review committees in the United States and Canada concerned with research on literacy development in minority children including the National Literacy Panel. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and reviews and has served as co-editor of three special issues of the journal Reading and Writing as well as the co-editor of the book Interprofessional Practice with Diverse Populations: Cases in Point (2000). In addition to presenting her research and leading workshops both in North America and internationally, she has been appointed a Minerva Scholar by Canada's Council on Learning.

Judith Wiener, PhD , is Professor of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada. She has worked as a school psychologist, in children's mental health centres, and private practice. Her primary clinical expertise is assessment and psychosocial interventions with children and adolescents with learning disabilities and ADHD, and children and adolescents who are immigrants and refugees. She is currently coordinating a program providing school psychology services in Pikangikum, a remote First Nations community in Northern Ontario, Canada. Dr. Weiner is President of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities. Her current research is on the understanding of children and adolescents with ADHD. She has published over 60 book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to presenting professional talks and workshops throughout the U.S. and Canada, she is regularly interviewed and consulted in Canada's mass media regarding ADHD, bullying in schools, and other child mental health and education issues. The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada presented her with their Award for Excellence in Research in Learning Disabilities in 1999.