Measuring Exposure and Attention to Media and Communication
4 contributors - Hardback
Peter Neijens is an Honorary Fellow and Emeritus Professor at ASCoR. He held the Chair in Media and Persuasion at the University of Amsterdam until 2019. His research focuses on persuasive communication, in particular media use and effects in advertising and public opinion. Theo Araujo is a Full Professor of Media, Organisations and Society, and Scientific Director of ASCoR. His research investigates the dynamic interplay between media and organizations, and what it means for society, with a special focus on trust and technology. His research has also a methodological focus on computational communication science and the implementation of large-scale data collection and analysis for communication research. Judith Möller was an Associate Professor of Political Communication at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. Since 2023 she holds the chair of “Empirical communication research, especially media use and social media effects” at the University of Hamburg and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research Hans Bredow Institute (HBI).