Judith Goetz Editor

Judith Goetz holds degrees in comparative literature and political science and is currently pursuing a Ph.D position at the Center for Teacher's Education at the University of Vienna. She is also a member of FIPU (Research group ideologies and policies of inequality, www.fipu.at ) and the German Research Network 'women and right-wing extremism'. Her interests and research focuses on right-wing extremism and women* / gender and anti-feminism. She is co-editor of the anthologies Untergangster des Abendlandes. Ideology and reception of the right-wing extremists 'Identitarians'(2017), Right-wing extremism: Volume 3: Gender-reflective perspectives (2019), Right-wing extremism: Volume 4: Challenges for Journalism (2021) as well as Continuities of the stigmatization of 'Antisociality': Perspectives of critical civic education (2021). She published in English: Goetz, Judith/Klammer, Carina (2017): "Between German Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Racism Representations of Gender in the Freedom Party of Austria" (FP ), K ttig, Michaela/Bitzan, Renate [Hrsg.innen] (2017) Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe (Palgrave Macmillan).Stefanie Mayer is a Researcher at Institute of Conflict Research (Institut f r Konfliktforschung) in Vienna, Austria. She previously worked in research projects on a number of topics, including the history of migration discourses in Austria, intersectionality in feminist activism and feminist theory and right-wing populist (online) discourses. Her English-language publications include with Ajanovic, Edma and Sauer, Birgit (2020), Man, Woman, Family. Gender and the Limited Modernization of Right-Wing Extremism in Austria.