Portus, Investigaciones Geoarqueologicas En El Muelle Este-Oeste
3 contributors - Paperback
Professor Javier Bermejo has a doctorate from the University of Huelva and is Principal Researcher for the Vrbanitas archeology and heritage research group at the same university. His lines of research focus on the study of the Roman urban world and its ports. Jointly he has directed and participated in more than fifteen competitive projects, both national and international, among which the co-direction of the project on the east-west dock of Portus stands out.
Juan M. Campos Carrasco, ad honorem professor at the University of Huelva, has a long and solid career represented by a significant volume of publications focused on different chronological periods, from prehistory to the modern period. Throughout his career he has directed numerous competitive research projects on different continents, Europe, Africa and America, which have allowed him to deepen and open different lines of research.
Renato Sebasitani, an official of the Soprintendenza speciale archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio di Roma (SSABAP Rome), has an extensive scientific and heritage management career to his credit. Throughout his career he has held numerous management positions in various excavation and research projects in the city of Rome and the Lazio region, among which the Porto Fluviale sul Lungotevere Testaccio, the discovery of Nero's theater should be highlighted, and currently his role as scientific manager of the Museo delle Navi di Fiumicino.