Juan Carlos Augusto Editor

Dr. Juan Carlos Augusto, is Professor of Computer Science at Middlesex University London, the Head of the Research Group on Development of Intelligent Environments, and of the Smart Spaces Lab which won the first prize of the 2019 edition of the Machine Intelligence Competition which took place at the British Computer Society Headquarters.

With a technical background on Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interfaces, his research interestsareon the design and implementation of sensing systems which provide a practical benefit to humans.  The application domain he most often explored has beenAmbient Assisted Living, Smart Education,and Smart Cities. His interests intersect with several computer science areas, for example, Ambient intelligence User-centred computing, Context-awareness, Internet of Things, and Ubiquitous Computing.

He has contributed to the research community with more than260 publications, including severalco-edited books on various types of smart systems.He has given more thana dozen invited talks and tutorialsfor international workshops and conferences and  has also chaired numerous technical events.  He has been appointed as co-Editor in Chief of the Journal on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (IOS Press); and co-Editor in Chief of the Journal on Reliable IntelligentEnvironments (Springer), aswell as Editorial Board member for other international journals.

He has led several UK/EU funded quadruple-helix in style innovation projects. He has adviced several international funding bodies including being external referee and  monitoring expert for the European Commission.