Everyone Wins - 3rd Edition
2 authors - Paperback
Josette Luvmour, PhD, is a developmental consultant, educator, author, and public speaker, specializing in the fields of human development, adult transformational learning, sustainable family relationships, and how adult and child grow together. She enjoys teaching educators at SelfDesign Graduate University, and over the years, has delighted in sharing her expertise, knowledge, and understanding with adults, family groups, and professionals seeking to deepen self-awareness, enliven optimal well-being, and develop access to innate wisdom. Josette is the author of six previous books, including the Mom's Choice Award-winning Grow Together, and is co-host of the popular podcast series, Meetings with Remarkable Educators. Together with Ba Luvmour, she lives, works, and plays in Portland, Oregon.
Geoffrey "Ba" Luvmour, MA, is an educator, public speaker, author, seminar leader, and consultant, and has worked in just about every phase of life with children and families. He enjoys training educators, including administrators, and teaching as graduate school faculty. Ba has co-founded three schools and a holistic learning center for families and children He the author of six previous books and co-host of the popular podcast series, Meetings with Remarkable Educators. Together with Josette Luvmour, he lives, works, and plays in Portland, Oregon.