Teaching Hemingway and Modernism
Joseph Fruscione - Paperback
Joseph Fruscione taught American literature and first-year writing for fifteen years at George Washington University, USA, Georgetown University, USA, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA. He is the author of Faulkner and Hemingway: Biography of a Literary Rivalry, “Knowing and Recombining: Ellison’s Ways of Understanding Hemingway” in Hemingway and the Black Renaissance, and several other essays, reviews, and presentations. He has been the editor of the “Adjuncts Interviewing Adjuncts” column for Inside Higher Ed since December 2013 and has written articles on higher education for Inside Higher Ed, Hybrid Pedagogy, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. He is currently working as a freelance copy editor, proof reader, and post-academic career consultant, as well as coediting an essay collection titled Burning Down the Ivory Tower: Insiders Take On the Higher Ed Crisis.