ACT for Psychosis Recovery
4 authors - Paperback
Emma K. O'Donoghue (Author)
Emma K. O'Donoghue, DClinPsy, is a senior clinical psychologist working in community psychosis settings in South London. She has a longstanding interest in using ACT approaches for people experiencing first episode and established psychosis and those with bipolar affective disorder. She coordinated a recent randomized controlled trial of ACT workshops for service users and caregivers in community psychosis settings and is involved in working with service users to facilitate ACT interventions. O'Donoghue regularly trains psychologists in ACT for psychosis interventions and teaches on London psychology masters and doctoral courses in ACT approaches.
Eric M.J. Morris (Author)
Eric M. J. Morris, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and director of the La Trobe University Psychology Clinic, Melbourne, Australia. Morris previously worked as the psychology lead for early intervention for psychosis at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK. He has twenty years' experience treating people with psychosis, and their families, using psychological therapies. Morris completed a PhD at King's College London, researching acceptance and commitment therapy as an individual- and group-based intervention for people recovering from psychosis, and as workplace resilience training for mental health workers. Morris is a coeditor of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis and coauthor of the self-help guide, ACTivate Your Life: Using Acceptance and Mindfulness to Build a Life That Is Rich, Fulfilling and Fun.
Joseph E. Oliver (Author)
Joseph E. Oliver, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who has been working within the UK National Health Service for the past ten years, specializing in the treatment of psychosis. He runs a private ACT-based consultancy in London, UK, that offers training, supervision and psychological therapy. He is also chair of the national BABCP ACT committee, which promotes and develops ACT within the UK. Oliver is coeditor of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis and coauthor of the self-help guide, ACTivate Your Life: Using Acceptance and Mindfulness to Build a Life That Is Rich, Fulfilling and Fun.
Louise C. Johns (Author)
Louise C. Johns, DPhil, is a consultant clinical psychologist and BABCP accredited cognitive behavioral therapist. She works in the Oxford Early Intervention in Psychosis Service, overseeing the delivery and evaluation of psychological interventions for clients and their caregivers, including the training and supervision of staff. She is also an honorary senior research fellow in the department of psychiatry, University of Oxford, and an associate member of the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre. She is coeditor of the book, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis.