Josef Schröfl Editor

Josef Schröfl, born in Austria 1962, is Colonel of the Austrian Armed Forces. He joined the Army in 1982, followed by several command functions including a tour with the UN 1994-1996 (UNDOF/Syria). 1998-2002 he commanded the honorable «Hoch- und Deutschmeister» battalion in Vienna. He studied International Politics at the University of Vienna and is Fulbright Graduated University of Delaware (2005). Present Posting at the Austrian MOD, Military Strategy Division. The author has published several books on Countering Terrorism, Homeland Security, Asymmetries, Asymmetric Warfare and Strategic Cultures. His specialization is in international relations, future of conflict and war as well as Asymmetric and Cyber War.
Bahram M. Rajaee, born in the USA in 1970, is Director at the University of Delaware’s Institute for Global Studies and Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations; PhD in Political Science. Present posting at the US State Department. He has published research in the Middle East Journal, International Politics, and Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as well as several book chapters. His specialization is in US foreign and strategic policy in Southwest Asia, the international relations of Southwest Asia, Iranian politics and foreign policy, and US-Iranian relations.
Dieter Muhr, born in Austria in 1962, is Colonel of the Austrian Armed Forces, General Staff, National Director Austria for Multinational Experiment 5, 6 and 7, and co-author of a study report for Multinational experiment 6 «Dealing with Actors and Compliance in Intervention Operations in a Non-permissive Hybrid Environment».