Jorge Guillén Author & Editor

Dr. Jorge Guillén is a Research Scientist at the Institute of Marine Sciences-CSIC (Barcelona, Spain). He graduated in geology (University of Barcelona) and completed his PhD in Marine Sciences by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.  Main topics of his research are sediment dynamics and morphodynamics in coastal areas and the continental shelf under different timescales, using both in situ and remote observations.

Dr. Juan Acosta-Yepes is a geologist (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain), and PhD in Marine Sciences (University of Barcelona). He worked for more than 35 years at Instituto Español de Oceanografía as Oceanographer and Senior Scientist (actually retired). His research interests have been marine geology and geophysics, geomorphology/morphotectonic, and the systematic mapping of the Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone.

Dr. Francesco. L. Chiocci is Full Professor at Rome University, Italy. He graduated in geology and completed his PhD in Earth Sciences at the University “La Sapienza”, Rome. At present he is mainly involved in Italian and European research projects (MAGIC, RITMARE-DEEP SEA,…) for acquiring high-resolution morphobathymetry and producing geohazard maps of the continental margins of Italy and to create synthetic products on specific aspects of data and knowledge collected.

Dr Albert Palanques, initially trained as a Geologist (degree in 1981, University of Barcelona), he got a PhD in Marine Sciences (1987, Polytechnic University of Catalonia). He is presently Research Professor and Director of the Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC) in Barcelona. Main topics of his research are sediment and geochemical fluxes, anthropogenic impact on marine sedimentary systems and sedimentary processes in continental margins.