Jörg Stolz Editor & Author

Christophe Monnot is assistant professor of Sociology of Religion at the University of Strasbourg. His work focuses on religious institutions and congregations. After his PhD on the Swiss Congregations, he was awarded by several grants to pursue his research on the implantation and institutionalization process of Mosques in France and in Switzerland. He has edited several book in French and in English, the last one is “Religion in times of Crisis” (Brill, 2014). He is also board member of the Research Network 34 (Sociology of Religion) of the European Sociological Association (ESA) since its founding in 2011.

Jörg Stolz is full professor of Sociology of Religion at the University of Lausanne. Substantively, he works on the description and explanation of different forms of religiosity, evangelicalism, secularization, and comparison of religious groups across religious traditions. He is the author of many articles in leading sociology journals, among which 'Explaining religiosity: towards a unified theoretical framework' in the British Journal of Sociology. He is the president of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion.