Electronic Voting
7 contributors - Paperback
Ardita Driza Maurer is a jurist based in Switzerland. She specializes in political rights and new voting technologies and works as an independent consultant. Ardita was previously a member and director of the Swiss federal internet voting project at the Swiss federal Chancellery. She currently provides legal expertise to ongoing work on the update of the Council of Europe Recommendation Rec(2004)11 on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting. Jordi Barrat is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Catalonia/URV. He holds a PhD on constitutional law (León, Spain, 1997). His research is focused on electoral matters, namely e-voting issues. He is the director of EVOL2 / eVoting Legal Lab (http://evol2.wordpress.com). He has been an international electoral observer and assistant in a number of different countries (e.g. France, Norway, Belgium, Montenegro, Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica) and has provided legal consultancy on electoral matters for different international institutions (e.g. Council of Europe, OSCE/ODIHR, IDEA, OAS, IFES).