Jonathan M Spector Editor

Dr. Jonathan M. Spector, MD, MPH, FAAP, has been a practicing pediatrician and public health professional for 15 years. His clinical work spans caring for children with malnutrition in remote Africa to intensive newborn care at Boston-based Massachusetts General Hospital. He became acutely attuned to the role of health systems in protecting patient safety and delivering high quality care, and this fueled a portfolio of research relating to maternal and newborn health in resource-poor settings. At the research institutes of a multi-national pharmaceutical company, he currently works on humanitarian initiatives
including a national program to control rheumatic heart disease in Zambia. Timothy E. Gibson, MD, FAAP, is the Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine Division Director, UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center, and Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Residency Assistant Program, University of Massachusetts Medical School.