Jonathan Loo Editor

Kok Keong Loo (a.k.a. Jonathan Loo) is currently a Reader in Multimedia Communications at the School of Engineering and Information Sciences, Middlesex University, UK. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Multimedia University, Malaysia. He received an MSc degree in Electronics (with Distinction) and a PhD degree in Electronics and Communications from University of Hertfordshire, UK in 1998 and 2003, respectively. Between August 2003 and May 2010, he was a Lecturer in Multimedia Communications at the School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, UK. During this period, he was also the Course Director for MSc in Digital Signal Processing.

He is involved in research projects, for example he is the principle investigator for a BBC funded project on Dirac video codec research and development. He is also a co-investigator for several European funded projects namely IST-FP6 PLUTO, IST-FP6 ENABLE, and recently the IST-FP7 3D-Vivant. He is currently supervising 14 PhD candidates. In the PLUTO project, he was the lead research engineer involved in the design of low-cost channel repeater for DVB-T using "software defined radio" approach. His research interests are in the area of multimedia communications, which include visual media processing, video coding and transmission, wireless communications, digital signal processing, embedded systems and wireless network, protocols and security. To date, he has published over 120 publications (guest editorial, book chapters, journals, conferences) in the aforementioned areas. For more information about his research, see

Professor Jaime Lloret received his M.Sc. in Physics in 1997, his M.Sc. in electronic Engineering in 2003 and his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering (Dr. Ing.) in 2006. He is a Cisco Certified Network Professional Instructor. He worked as a network designer and as an administrator in several enterprises. He is currently Associate Professor in the Polytechnic University of Valencia and he is the research line coordinator of communications and remote sensing for the Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute. He is the director of the University Expert Certificate "Redes y Comunicaciones de Ordenadores" and of the University Expert Certificate "Tecnologías Web y Comercio Electrónico". He is currently the Cognitive Networks Technical Committee (IEEE Communications Society) Vice-chair for the Europe/Africa Region. He has more than 70 scientific papers published in national and international conferences, he has more than 34 papers about education and he has more than 38 papers published in international journals (more than half of them with Impact Factor in Journal Citation Report). He has been the co-editor of 15 conference proceedings and guest editor of several international books and journals.

He is editor-in-chief of the international journal Networks Protocols and Algorithms, editor-in-chief of the international Journal Advances in Network and Communications, IARIA Journals Board Chair (8 Journals) and he is associate editor of several international journals. He has been involved in more than 120 Program committees of international conferences and in several organization and steering committees until 2010. He has been the chairman of SENSORCOMM 2007, UBICOMM 2008, ICNS 2009 and ICWMC 2010 and co-chairman of ICAS 2009 and INTERNET 2010. He is the co-chairman of IEEE MASS 2011. He is IEEE Senior Member and IARIA Fellow Member.

Jesus Hamilton Ortiz has bachelors’ degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering, a DEA in Telecommunications engineering, and a PhD in computer engineering. He is an assistant professor at the University of Castilla La Mancha in computer and mobile networks, he is an editor and reviewer for several international journals.