Human-Centred Autonomous Shipping
2 contributors - Hardback
Margareta Lützhöft is a master mariner, trained at Kalmar Maritime Academy in Sweden. She currently holds a position as Professor in the MarSafe group at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. She is also an adjunct Professor at the department of Marine Engineering, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, and a fellow of the Nautical Institute. Her research interests include human-centred design and the effects of new technology and automation. She is co-editor of Managing Maritime Safety, published by Routledge.
Jonathan Earthy, Human Factors Coordinator at Lloyd's Register (LR) Technical Directorate is LR's technical authority for human factors and leads the introduction of Ergonomics into Class. He is also a Professor II at the University of Western Norway. He was technical supervisor of the award-winning LRF Alert! human element awareness-raising initiative and is chair of ISO TC159/SC4 Ergonomics of human-system interaction, as well as a member of the SIGTTO Human Element Focus Group, the Maritime CHIRP Advisory Board, the IMarEST Human Element and MASS SIGs, and the IMO MASS Correspondence Group.