Communicating Risk
3 contributors - Hardback
Jonathan Crichton is Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and Member of the Research Centre for Languages and Cultures at the University of South Australia. His research focuses on the role of language in professional-lay interactions. He has published in a wide range of international journals and edited collections and is the author of The Discourse of Commercialization (2010), and co-editor, with Christopher N. Candlin, of Discourses of Deficit (2011) and Discourses of Trust (2013).
Christopher N. Candlin was Senior Research Professor Emeritus in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney, and a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences. His research and publications lie in the critical analysis of professional/institutional discourses. He was a member of the Editorial Boards of major international journals and co-edited, with Srikant Sarangi, the Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice. Recent publications include Discourses of Deficit (2011) and Discourses of Trust (2013) both co-edited with Jonathan Crichton.
Arthur S. Firkins has had extensive involvement with risk communication in the public and private sectors. His doctoral research focused on the discursive framing of risk, he has co-authored recent papers with Christopher N. Candlin on the communication of risk in social care and currently works for BAE-Systems.