Jonathan Beaty Author

James E. Duffy has written many of the top-selling automotive education textbooks on the market today. He is also a noted videographer who has produced over 100 vocational/technical video programs. He possesses a B.S. in industrial electronics and a B.S. in technology education from Indiana State University. Jonathan Beaty has 14 years of experience as a Collision Repair Technician in all of the major areas. Mr. Beaty has almost 7 years of experience as a collision repair instructor as well, so he understands the challenges you face in the education side of the field as well as the technical side. He also has an extensive I-CAR training and certification background as well as ASE certifications. This has helped him understand what the collision industry is needing and asking for the most, and bringing it to life in this new edition of the Duffy Auto Body Repair 7th Edition.