Stress Inside Police Departments
Jon Shane - Paperback
Jon Shane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He retired from the Newark Police Department after 20 years at the rank of captain. Professor Shane has published in leading criminal justice and policing journals, including Crime Science, Journal of Criminal Justice, Justice Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Strategies and Management, and Police Practice and Research. He is the author of What Every Chief Executive Should Know: Using Data to Measure Police Performance (Looseleaf Law), Learning from Error: A Case Study in Organizational Accident Theory (Springer), and Confidential Informants: A Closer Look at Police Policy (Springer). His research focuses on issues in police policy and practice, especially use of force, performance management and issues aimed at management and supervision, social disorganization theory, ecology and crime, violent crime, situational crime prevention, and problem-oriented policing.
Zoë Swenson is an investigator with the New York City Department of Investigation, where she investigates corruption, including financial fraud, assault, contraband smuggling, and sex crimes, relating to the New York City Department of Correction. She is currently attending the Department of Investigation’s Peace Officer Training Academy. Swenson holds a Master of Arts in criminal justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where she specialized in criminology and deviance. Her research interests are police policy and practice issues, use of force, and situational crime prevention. She is published in leading criminal justice journals including Journal of Criminal Justice, where she explored the prevalence and patterns of fatal police shootings by U.S. police between 2015 and 2016.