Jon Rubin Editor

Jon Rubin is a media artist and Fulbright Fellow who founded and directed SUNY's COIL Center from 2006-2017. He co-facilitated four iterations of the COIL Leadership Institute between 2017-2021, with the American Council on Education and later with Florida International University. He directs, a web initiative that supports institutions committed to COIL Virtual Exchange and he is also Director of COIL Consulting. He co-edited this Guide to COIL Virtual Exchange, published by Stylus Publishers.

  • Sarah Guth is the President of UNICollaboration, a cross-disciplinary professional organization for telecollaboration and virtual exchange in Higher Education, and teaches English as a Foreign Language at the University of Padova, Italy where she has implemented virtual exchange (VE) for two decades. She was the Program Coordinator at the SUNY COIL Center from 2013 to 2014. She currently focuses on the role of professional development in VE and the integration of VE into internationalization-at-home strategies.