John Thomson Author & Editor

Gianfranco Butera is Chief of the Department of Interventional Congenital Cardiology at Bambin Gesù Hospital IRCCS, Rome, Italy. He is Senior lecturer at King's College University London.  He has been Lead Consultant of the Department of Congenital Interventional Cardiology at St Thomas/Evelina Hospital in London. He has served as Chairman of the Interventional Cardiology Working Group of the AEPC and has been Visiting Professor at various universities including Harvard, Bordeaux, Cincinnati and Padova. His clinical and research interests are focused on interventional cardiology in children and adults with congenital heart disease. He has authored more than 230 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has edited books on interventional and fetal cardiology.

Massimo Chessa is the Head of UNICCA, The ACHD Unit of the Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Centre. He has been working as a Consultant in interventional cardiologist at the IRCCS-Policlinico San Donato, Milan, since his PhD in Fetal and Pediatric intervention in CHD, in 2000.  He is a Pediatrician and a Cardiologist, trained as a congenital cardiologist in Rome, Paris, and Birmingham. He is ESC, AEPC, SCAI, SICP, and SIC fellow. He served as Chairman of the ACHD WG of the AEPC, Nucleus Member of the ESC-WG in ACHD, and Treasurer of the Interventional AEPC WG. He has been President and co-Founder of AICCA, the Italian GUCH Association. Associated Editor of the Interventional Journal of Cardiology-CHD, he authored more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is Editor of the Book series by Springer, devoted to ACHD and endorsed by the WG of the ESC and AEPC.
 Andreas Eicken MD, PhD, FESC is Head of the Catheterization Laboratory for patients with congenital heart disease (newborns to adults) at the Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease, German Heart Centre Munich. 

John Thomson is a Consultant Cardiologist specializing in interventional treatment of congenital heart disease. He has led the catheter laboratory programme at the Yorkshire heart centre in Leeds, UK for over a decade. He has performed over 4000 procedures in patients of all ages and published and lectured extensively in the field.