Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step
John Sharp - Paperback
James Hunt graduated in physics from the University of Toronto, and taught physics for 35 years at the University of Guelph, Canada. On his retirement in 1999, he switched his research interests to the interaction of mathematics and art and began a collaborative association with John Sharp. He is the co-author of textbooks on elementary physics and environmental physics.
John Sharp started his career as an analytical chemist before becoming a technical writer, authoring manuals on a variety of software and hardware products. He also taught geometry as continuing education, and organised and lectured at Bridges Maths and Art conferences. He is known for paper sculpture including books on sliceform surfaces.
Dominique Raynaud is a science historian at Université Grenoble Alpes, France. He has dedicated most of his research work to the history of geometry, optics, and linear perspective. Among his publications are A Critical Edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s Epistle on the Shape of the Eclipse: The First Experimental Study of the Camera Obscura (2016), Studies on Binocular Vision (2016), Scientific Controversies (2015), Optics and the Rise of Perspective (2014).
Sylvia Hunt is a professor of literature at Laurentian University, Canada.