John Rayment Author

John Rayment is a Principal Lecturer in Decision Making and Problem Solving and MBA Programme Leader at the Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge and Chelmsford, England. Coming from an accounting background, John moved increasingly toward decision making and problem solving, including writing a successful text 'Mind Morphing - Decision Making using Logic and Magic'. This led him to consider whether mental fitness could be thought of in similar fashion to physical fitness, i.e. in terms of strength, stamina and suppleness, and the role such mental fitness should play in successful leadership, particularly in the solution of urgent global issues (UGIs). John acts as a consultant to a range of private and public sector bodies, leads international postgraduate programmes in leadership and management and facilitates adoption of his ideas by organisations. In April 2008 he organised and led an international conference on Global Leadership. Dr Jonathan Smith, MA, Chartered FCIPD, is a Senior Lecturer at the Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University. He leads international postgraduate programmes in leadership and facilitates innovative masters level courses in leadership, strategy, organizational change, HRM and research methods. Jon coaches and supports a large number of leaders and HR professionals in the research, design and implementation of best practice initiatives in organisations. Jon has experience in a variety of managerial and training roles, in a number of public and private sector organisations. Prior to working at the University Jon was a Director of Studies for six years at the UK National Police Training and Development Authority, working with the Home Office Forces of England and Wales to shape and drive the training agenda to achieve world-class performance within police training.