Iranian National Identity & the Persian Language
Shahrokh Meskoob - Paperback
John R. Perry is Professor of Persian (emeritus) at the University of Chicago, USA. He previously taught at St. Andrews University, Scotland, from 1968-71 and held visiting fellowships at Columbia and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. He has travelled and researched widely in the Middle East and Central and South Asia and is a consulting editor for Encyclopaedia Iranica. His publications include translations from Arabic, Persian and Tajik; A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar (Leiden, 2005); and more than forty articles, principally on aspects of the linguistic and cultural connections among Arabic, Persian and adjacent languages and societies. Perry studied Arabic and Persian at Cambridge University (PhD, 1970), supplemented by a year at Tehran University and further research in Iran on his dissertation topic, a history of Karim Khan Zand. This was later published twice in book form and in Persian and Kurdish translations