John R Hoyle Author

John R. Hoyle, a professor of educational administration at Texas A&M University, is an authority on the superintendency, leadership research, and future studies. He served as president of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration and was the first recipient of the NCPEA “Living Legend Award.” In a 2004 survey, Hoyle’s peers selected him as one of the four most “exceptional living scholars” in educational administration. Hoyle served as chair of the AASA National Commission on Professional Standards for the Superintendency and authored the document Professional Standards for the Superintendency. He has written numerous books, book chapters, articles, and papers and is a popular consultant, seminar leader, and motivational speaker. Dr. Björk is an associate professor in the Department of Administration and Supervision at the University of Kentucky, Co-Director of the University Council for Educational Administration’s Joint Program Center for the Study of the Superintendency, and a Senior Associate Editor of Educational Administration Quarterly. He has co-edited several books including Higher Education Research and Public Policy (1988), Minorities in Higher Education (1994), and The New Superintendency: Advances in Research and Theories of School Management and Educational Policy (2001), co-authored, The Study of the American Superintendency 2000: A Look at the Superintendent of Education in the New Millennium (2000) and The Superintendent as CEO: Standards-Based Performance (in press). Virginia Collier is a Clinical Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. She served as a teacher, principal and superintendent in the Texas schools for thirty-five years. Governor George W. Bush appointed her as a member of the Texas State Board of Educator. Dr. Collier served as the first female president of the Texas Association of School Administrators and is active in the American Association of School Administrators. The focus of her work is serving as coordinator of the TAMU cohort programs in the San Antonio and Houston areas and working with masters and doctoral students in principal and superintendent preparation. Thomas Glass is Professor of Leadership at the University of Memphis. Over the past three decades, he has served as a faculty member at Northern Illinois University, Washington State University, The University of Detroit and Indiana University. He is a former visiting scholar in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Oxford and is a member of Green College. He has served public schools as a superintendent and administrator in Michigan, Washington, and Arizona. His research interests are superintendent leadership and preparation. Recently, he was lead author of The Study of the American School Superintedency 2000: A Look at the Superintendent of Education in the New Millennium, the ninth national study of the Amercian school superintendency sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators. He also authored the eight study, The Study of the American School Superintendency 1990: America’s Education Leaders in a Time of Reform. In 1992 he served on the AASA National Commission of the Superintendency and was a contributor to Professional Standards for the Superintendency. He is also co-author of Selecting, Preparing and Developing the School District Superintendent. For ten years he served as editor of The Journal of School Business Management and has been a frequent contributor to numerous education journals. In twenty-five years he has served as a consultant to nearly a hundred school districts assisting them in public opinion polling, strategic planning, facilities, demographics, communications, and management review. Currently, he is completing for the Education Commisision of the States a policy project featuring a series of opinion surveys with superintendents, chief state school officers, board presidents, and leading educators as participants.