Opening Theory Made Easy
Hideo Otake - Paperback
John Halligan is Professor of Public Administration, University of Canberra and in the School of Business and Government. His publications and research interests are in the fields of government institutions and comparative public management and governance. He is currently completing books on corporate governance in the public sector and comparative performance management.
Robin Miller was a senior executive in the Australian public service, as head of the research division of the former Industries Assistance Commission (forerunner of the present Productivity Commission) and later a First Assistant Secretary in the Department of Defence. More recently he has undertaken research into parliamentary committees at the Centre for Research into Public Sector Management at the University of Canberra.
John Power is Professor Emeritus of Political Science in the University of Melbourne. He has a long-standing interest in the theory and practice of democracy. He is currently working on a monograph dealing with the protection of institutional integrity in the coming Australian republic.