John Michael Rassias Editor & Author

George Anastassiou is Professor at the University of Memphis. Research interests include Computational analysis, approximation theory, probability, theory of moments. Professor Anastassiou has authored and edited several publications with Springer including "Fractional Differentiation Inequalities" (c) 2009, "Fuzzy Mathematics: Approximation Theory" (c) 2010, "Intelligent Systems: Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks" (c) 2014, "The History of Approximation Theory" (c) 2005, "Modern Differential Geometry in Gauge Theories" (c) 2006, and more.
John Michael Rassias is a Ph.D. graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently  Emeritus Professor of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Professor John M. Rassias  is a leading mathematician and researcher in Mathematics. He has published academic papers in the following research areas: Functional Equations and Inequalities (more than 300 papers) in peer-reviewed leading scientific journals. Partial Differential Equations (more than 100 papers). He has also published 36  books and monographs in  Mathematics.