Two German giants
2 authors - Paperback
Dr John Lord is a Senior Lecturer in the History of Art, Lincoln School of Art and Design, University of Lincoln. Peter Bower is a forensic paper historian and paper analyst and Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Advanced Studies, University of London. Dr Jim Cheshire is Lecturer in the History of Art and Design, Lincoln School of Art and Design, University of Lincoln. John Ellis is a Graduate Social Scientist currently researching Peter DeWint's Lincolnshire landscapes and is author of numerous publications on the artist including A Topographical Landscape by Peter DeWint OWS (1784-1849): The Cultural and Socio-Economic Context and Peter DeWint, Walter Christaller and the Carrier's Cart. Ian Waites is a Senior Lecturer and Subject Leader in the History of Art and Design, Lincoln School of Art and Design, University of Lincoln. John Lord, Ian Waites, John Ellis, Jim Cheshire, Peter Bower