Understanding Sport Psychology
5 authors - Hardback
David Lavallee is Head of the School of Sport at the University of Stirling, UK. His principal areas of interest include self-identity and coping processes in sport and exercise, psychology of sport injury, retirement from sport, athlete and coach burnout and eating disorders in sport. John Kremer is a Reader in Applied Social Psychology in the School of Psychology, Queen's University, Belfast, UK. He continues to combine his academic interest in sport and exercise psychology with an active involvement with a wide range of team and individual sports including soccer, rugby, cricket, Gaelic sports, golf and athletics. He has co authored a number of sport psychology texts including Pure Sport (2008) with Aidan Moran Aidan Moran is Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University College, Dublin, Ireland. He has published extensively on cognitive psychology and sport psychology (especially on mental practice and attentional processes). A consultant to many of Ireland's leading professional sports performers and teams, he is a former Official Psychologist to the Irish Olympic Squad. Mark Williams is Professor of Motor Behaviour in the Research Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Professor Williams is a leading authority on expertise and its acquisition in sport and other domains and has published widely in sport and exercise science and psychology.