Phytorestoration of Abandoned Mining and Oil Drilling Sites
3 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Kuldeep Bauddh is currently an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at the Centre for Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. Dr. Bauddh is currently engaged in teaching in key areas of environmental sciences like Environmental Pollution and Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology, Soil Science, and Hazardous Waste Management. He is also an Associate Editor of the journal “Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability as well as the co-editor of the magazine “Kahaar. His main research areas are phytoremediation, ecological restoration and slow release fertilizers. Dr. John Korstad is a Professor of Biology and Past Director of the Honors Program at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA). His educational background includes a BA in Geology and BS in Biology from Calif. Lutheran University, a MS in Environmental Science from Cal. State Hayward, and a MS and Ph.D. in Zoology from the Univ. Michigan. His specialty is Limnology (lake ecology) with specific expertise in nutrient-phytoplankton (microalgae)-zooplankton interactions and lake management. He has vast experience in aquaculture, including two sabbatical years doing research at The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research (SINTEF) in Trondheim, Norway (the second one funded by a Fulbright Fellowship). Dr. Pallavi Sharma is Professor at the School of Environment and Sustainable Development, Central University of Gujarat, India. Dr. Sharma is currently engaged in work on the mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance in plants. She has published 50 scientific articles/book chapters in peer-reviewed journals/books with more than 7,600 citations.