John Jamieson Author

John Jamieson (Port St. Lucie, FL) spent 23 years in the Coast Guard as an enlisted navigator, instructor, search and rescue coxswain, and ships conning officer. He has taught seamanship and navigation for the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy and has trained hundreds of students in these arts both ashore and afloat. As Senior Assistant Controller at the Rescue Coordination Center in Long Beach California, he coordinated air-and-sea search-and-rescue missions from the border of California and Oregon to the Yucatan Peninsula, out to 1,000 nautical miles offshore. Jamieson holds master and mate licenses for both power and sail and is a nationally certified sailing instructor. He recently directed the seamanship and chart navigation department at the internationally renowned Charles F. Chapman School of Seamanship in Stuart, Florida. He has sailed single-handed for 13 years and has delivered sailing vessels along the U.S. East Coast. This is his first book.