Night Wing over Metropolitan Area
John Hoppenthaler - Paperback
Editor Kazim Ali is the author of two books of poetry, The Far Mosque and The Fortieth Day; two novels, Quinn's Passage and The Disappearance of Seth; two books of essays, Orange Alert and Fasting for Ramadan; a translation of Iranian poet Sohrab Sepehri, The Water's Footfall; and a memoir, Bright Felon: Autobiography and Cities. He is Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Comparative Literature at Oberlin College and has been a regular columnist for American Poetry Review.
John Hoppenthaler 's books of poetry are Lives of Water (2003) and Anticipate the Coming Reservoir (2008). For the cultural journal Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, he edits "A Poetry Congeries" and curates the Guest Poetry Editor feature. He is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Literature at East Carolina University.