John E Kello Author

John E. Kello is a Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Davidson College, with a Graduate Faculty Associate appointment to the Doctoral Program in Organizational Science at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Additionally, John is President of, and Senior Consultant with J. E. Kello & Associates, Inc., an Organization Development (OD) consulting firm which serves a national list of clients. He has published more than a hundred articles in professional journals dealing with the creation of a 'positive safety culture' and with the design and implementation of organizational training systems for High Reliability Organizations. Joseph A. Allen is a Professor of Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology at the University of Utah. He directs the Center for Meeting Effectiveness housed in the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. Dr. Allen has consulted for more than 500 non-profit and for-profit organizations. He has published more than 150 papers in academic outlets, his research focusing on three major areas of inquiry including the study of workplace meetings, organizational community engagement, and occupational safety and health.