John E Joseph Editor, Author & Translator

Linda R. Waugh is Professor Emerita at the University of Arizona and Cornell University. Her research interests include discourse analysis, history of linguistics, semiotics and French linguistics. Notable publications include The Sound Shape of Language (1979, 1987, with Jakobson), On Language (1990, edited with Monville-Burston) and Critical Discourse Analysis (2020, with Catalano). Monique Monville-Burston is Professor and Honorary Research Fellow at the Language Center, Cyprus University of Technology. Her research interests include L2 acquisition (French), Tense/Mood/Aspect, discourse analysis, and the history of linguistics. Notable publications include On Language (1990, edited with Waugh) and La Marque en lexicographie (2011, with Baider and Lamprou). John E. Joseph is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the University of Edinburgh. He has worked extensively in the history of linguistics, and his books in this area include Limiting the Arbitrary (2000), From Whitney to Chomsky (2002), Saussure (2012) and Language, Mind and Body (2018). He currently serves as president of the Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure.