John C Wideman Author

Howard R. Davia, CPA, has over 30 years of experience ingovernment, industry, and public accounting. He was president andcofounder of Executive Education Series, Inc., and has taught andlectured widely on the subject of fraud detection andcontrol.

Patrick C. Coggins, PhD, is the Dupont Endowed Chair Professor atStetson University and holds JD and PhD degrees in Administrationand Adult Development and Education. He has over 28 years ofexperience in governmental and public sector financial management,legal issues, organizational diagnosis, and income taxes. He haspublished books, articles, and papers nationally and has extensivelecturing and consulting experience.

John C. Wideman, PhD, has over 28 years of experience in the civil,criminal, and military intelligence fields as an investigator atthe federal and state levels, and as a private practitioner. He hastaught investigative courses for the U.S. government and severalstate agencies, and is currently a practicing privateinvestigator.

Joseph T. Kastantin, CPA, is a consultant, author, and assistantprofessor of accountancy at the University of Wisconsin--La Crosse.He is also a certified management accountant, and the author ofProfessional Accounting Practice Management and several articles onmanagement, business control, and taxation.