Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration
3 authors - Paperback
Kenneth J. Meier is the Charles H. Gregory Chair in Liberal Arts and Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M University. He is also Professor of Public Management in the Cardiff School of Business, Cardiff University (Wales). He is a former editor of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE (1994–1997), a former associate editor of THE JOURNAL OF POLITICS (1991–1994), and the JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY (2000–2009). He served as the president of the Southwest Political Science Association; the American Political Science Associations sections on State Politics and Policy, Public Policy, and Public Administration; the Public Management Research Association; and the Midwest Political Science Association. In 2006, he received the John Gaus Award for career contributions to public administration scholarship; and in 2010, the C. Dwight Waldo Award from the American Society for Public Administration. He currently lives with the love of his life, Diane Jones Meier, in Bryan, Texas, and spends his free time comparing the merits of California zinfandels with Australian Shirazes. Jeffrey L. Brudney is the Albert A. Levin Chair of Urban Studies and Public Service at Cleveland State University's Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs. According to a study published in 2005 in the JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION, Dr. Brudney ranks tenth in research productivity among scholars worldwide based on article publication in all referred journals affiliated with the American Society for Public Administration. The Urban Institute calls him the foremost research expert on volunteer management programs and community volunteer centers in the United States." Dr. Brudney has received several international honors and awards, including the annual Herbert Kaufman Award three times from the Public Administration Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) for excellence in research. In 2008, he received the Academy of Management Public and Nonprofit Division Best Article Award. He also has received the William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award for the Best Article Written by an Academician published in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, the leading public administration journal. In 2006, he received the first-ever Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Award for Excellence in Teaching; he also has received the Mentor Award from the APSA Women's Caucus. Dr. Brudney is the author of FOSTERING VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: PLANNING, INITIATING, AND MANAGING VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES, for which he received the John Grenzebach Award for Outstanding Research in Philanthropy for Education. Prior to assuming the Levin Chair, Dr. Brudney cofounded and codirected the Institute for Nonprofit Organizations and the Master of Arts in Nonprofit Organizations program at the University of Georgia." John Bohte is currently Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (PhD, Texas A&M University). Dr. Bohte enjoys teaching courses on public budgeting, statistics, and state politics.