John Barnie - Paperback
John Barnie is a poet and essayist from Abergavenny, Gwent. John ived in Denmark from 1969-1982 and was the editor of Planet, The Welsh Internationalist from 1990-2006. He has published several collections of poems, mixed poems and fiction, and two collections of essays, one of which, The King of Ashes, won a Welsh Arts Council Prize for Literature in 1990. His collection Trouble in Heaven (Gomer, 2007) was on the Wales Book of the Year 2008 Long List. Cinnamon Press has previously published five of his collections: The Forest Under the Sea, The Roaring Boys, Wind Playing with a Man's Hat, Departure Lounge, and Sunglasses. John also plays guitar in the blues and poetry group Hollow Log. He is a Fellow of Yr Academi.