John B Loomis Author

Robert A. Young was a faculty member at University of Arizona before joining the faculty at Colorado State University in 1970. He was a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics for 21 years, and then was Professor Emeritus until his death in 2013. He had worked as a water policy consultant for the World Bank and the United Nations. Young’s research interests were in water supply and quality, particularly in the case of offstream water uses, in agriculture, municipalities and industry. Young’s research has received awards from the American Agricultural Economics Association, the Western Agricultural Economics Association, the American Water Resources Association, and Warren A. Hall Medal for Distinguished Contributions to Water Resources.

John B. Loomis joined the faculty at Colorado State University in 1993, after being an Associate Professor at University of California-Davis. Previously he worked as an economist for two agencies in the U.S. Department of Interior. Loomis’ primary research interests are in non market valuation of water resources such as recreation, instream flow, endangered species and public lands. Loomis’ research has received several awards including from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. He was elected Vice-President of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, and was selected as a Fellow of that Association in 2013. He was also selected as a Distinguished Scholar of the Western Agricultural Economics Association in 2006.