John Albarran Editor

Ms Annette Richardson, RN, Bsc (Hons) Nursing Science, MBA
Nurse Consultant Critical Care, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Board Member of British Association of Critical Care Nurses
Has twenty years clinical critical care experience. Has contributed to a number of critical care and patient safety
strategies for the NPSA, World Health Organisation and the Department of Health.
Was elected to the British Association of Critical Care Nurses National Board in 2002 and is on the editorial board for the Journal Nursing in Critical Care.
In 2006 was delighted to be awarded winner of a 'Nursing Times' award in the category 'Back to Basics' for the clinical work to promote sleep for critical care patients.

John Albarran has 30 years experience as a practitioner, educator and researcher. During this time he has served on the British Association of Critical Care Nurses, European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations (EfCCNa) and was a founder member of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses. Dr Albarran has published widely including a number of textbooks. He co-edits Nursing in Critical Care and has been awarded two nurse fellowships from the European Society of Cardiology and EfCCNa for outstanding and distinctive contributions to cardiac and critical care nursing.

Jane Mallett, Consultant in Health Care Development
Dr Jane Mallett trained at Guy's Hospital, London in 1980. Since that time she has worked as a practitioner, and
has had lead roles in education, research and practice development. Dr Mallett also jointly edited three editions of The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual for Clinical Nursing Procedures (1992, 1996 and 2000) and The Royal Marsden Hospital Handbook of Wound Management in Cancer Care. More recently she has been joint consultancy lead for the development of the national Essence of Care 2010.
She has a BSc in Human Biology, MSc in Social Research Methods and PhD in Nursing.