Foreign Currency
3 authors - Paperback
Michael Howard QC is a barrister at Quadrant Chambers in London, where he acts in relation to international commercial disputes and specialises in all aspects of maritime law. He is an arbitrator and the Leader of the English Admiralty Bar. He is also a Visiting Professor of Law at Tulane University, Louisiana; and he has given expert evidence on English law before a number of foreign courts.
John Knott is a consultant at the London head office of international law firm Holman Fenwick Willan, having previously headed up their Admiralty Claims department. He has authored numerous articles dealing with foreign currency claims; and he is a contributor to the Damages title of Halsbury's Laws of England.
John A. KimbellQC is a barrister at Quadrant Chambers in London and a solicitor (Rechtsanwalt) in Hamburg. His practice encompasses maritime law, aviation, insurance and re-insurance in addition to general commercial litigation and arbitration. He acts as a commercial arbitrator in London and Hamburg.