Joerg Fingerhut Editor

Joerg Fingerhut is research associate at the Collegium for the Advanced Study of Picture Act and Embodiment at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and pursues his PhD in philosophy. His current work focuses on psychological and biological models of perception and the mind in contemporary theories of situated and embodied cognition.
Sabine Flach holds a PhD in art history. From 2000-2010 she was Head of the Department «WissensKünste – Art and Sciences» at the Center for Literary and Cultural Research in Berlin. Since 2011 she is visiting professor for art theory, modern and contemporary art at the SVA School of visual Arts in New York and Permanent Fellow of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Her current work focuses on art and art-theory of the 19th and 20th century and contemporary art, knowledge of the arts, aesthetics, aisthesis, aesthesia and media of embodiment, theories of perception, environments and embodiment, emotion, sense and senses, episteme of visual thinking, image and body.
Jan Söffner holds a PhD in romance philology from Cologne University and currently holds a fellowship at the Internationales Kolleg Morphomata in Cologne. His current work focuses on embodiment, mimesis and metaphors as related to emotions in literature.