The Crisis of the Absolute Monarchy
2 contributors - Hardback
Joël Félix is Professor of European History at the University of Reading, UK. His specialism is in early-modern fiscal and political history, particularly in France. His main publications include Finance et politique au siècle des Lumières (CHEFF 1999) and Louis XVI et Marie–Antoinette (Payot 2006). With J. Swann, he is the editor of Crisis of the Absolute Monarchy (British Academy/OUP 2013), and he has recently edited Before Fiscal Transparency (Histoire & Mesure 2015).
Anne Dubet is Professor of Early-Modern Spanish History at the University Clermont-Auvergne, France, specializing in the history of finances and politics in early modern Spain. Her most recent book is La Hacienda Real de la Nueva Planta (1713-1726), entre fraude y buen gobierno (Fondo de Cultura Económica, Madrid, 2015) and she co-authored, with S. Solbes Ferri, El rey, el ministro y el tesorero. El gobierno de la Real Hacienda en el siglo XVIII español (Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2019).