Advances in Efficiency and Productivity II
4 contributors - Hardback
Joe Zhu is Associated Professor of Operations, Department of Management at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. His research interests include issues of performance evaluation and benchmarking, supply chain design and efficiency, and Data Envelopment Analysis. He has published over 70 articles in journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, IIE Transactions, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, Information Technology and Management Journal, Computer and Operations Research, OMEGA, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Journal of Productivity Analysis, INFOR, Journal of Alternative Investment and others. He is the author of Quantitative Models for Evaluating Business Operations: Data Envelopment Analysis with Spreadsheets (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003). He developed the DEAFrontier software which is a DEA add-in for Microsoft Excel. Professor Zhu has also co-authored two books on modeling performance measurement and evaluating hedge funds. He is a co-editor of the DEA handbook. He is an Associate Editor of OMEGA and The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. He is also a member of Computers & Operations Research Editorial Board. For more information on his research, please visit www.deafrontier.com.