Movement or Moment?
2 contributors - Paperback
Patrick Claffey is a member of the Society of the Divine Word and worked for many years as a missionary in West Africa. His academic interest is in the study of religions, in which he lectures at University College Cork, Trinity College Dublin and All Hallows College, Dublin.
Joe Egan lectures at the Milltown Institute in Dublin, where his research focuses on the interaction between faith and culture in contemporary society. He is the author of The Dawkins Delusion (2009) and From Misery to Hope: Encountering God in the Abyss of Suffering (2010), and co-editor, with Patrick Claffey, of Movement or Moment? Assessing Liberation Theology Forty Years after Medellín (2009).
Marie Keenan is a registered psychotherapist and social scientist who is employed at the School of Applied Social Science, University College Dublin. She is the author of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church: Gender, Power and Organizational Culture (2012). She is currently researching in the area of restorative justice, sexual trauma and abuse.