The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature: Volume 4, 1800–1900
Joanne Shattock - Hardback
Joanne Shattock is Emeritus Professor of Victorian Literature at the University of Leicester. She is President of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals. Her books include Politics and Reviewers: The Edinburgh and the Quarterly in the Early Victorian Age (1989), the Oxford Guide to British Women Writers (1993) and, as editor, the Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, 1800–1900 (Cambridge, 2000), Women and Literature in Britain (Cambridge, 2001), and the Cambridge Companion to English Literature (Cambridge, 2010). She is the General Editor of The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell, 10 volume set (2005–6), and co-General Editor, with Elisabeth Jay, of Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, 25 volume set (2011–16). She was the Founding President of the British Association for Victorian Studies (2000–3).