The Art of Whimsical Lettering
Joanne Sharpe - Paperback
Joanne Sharpe is an energetic, whimsical artist dedicated to empowering women to embrace their creativity through online classes as well as national and international workshops that explore journaling, lettering, textiles and mixed-media art. She is the author of the bestselling book The Art of Whimsical Lettering, named an Amazon's Editor's Pick for the Best Craft Book of 2014. Joanne is proud to be a BERNINA Artisan Ambassador, sharing her love of thread and fabric with an audience eager to learn how to bring these expressive media into their own artwork. Her second book, The Art of Whimsical Stitching is a colorful handbook of ideas and techniques for playful art sewing. Get into the coloring groove with her interactive, playful coloring book, The Art of Whimsical Living or combine doodles with hand lettering in Joanne's fourth book Doodle Art and Lettering. Joanne resides in Rochester, New York, with her very supportive husband, and is the mom to a daughter and three sons. She is also a first-time grandma to a precious baby girl. Follow all Joanne's artful adventures at joannesharpe.com.