Joanne Eaves-Thalken Editor

Derek Eaves (1942-2017) was a prominent forensic psychologist who emigrated from the UK to Canada in 1973. In 2000 he founded the International Association for Forensic Mental Health Services, the leading organisation in its field, along with its prestigious journal. Chris Webster is the author of several books and instruments in the field of violence risk. He is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Simon Fraser University, and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. Quazi Haque is Executive Medical Director of Elysium Healthcare, UK, and Chair of the RCP Forensic Quality Network. He has held senior positions at HMP Belmarsh, the Home Office, SLAM NHS Trust and the Priory Group. Joanne Eaves-Thalken is the daughter of Derek Eaves. She trained in social work and is based at Burnaby Hospital near Vancouver.